
Transparent Paint is Clear Oil or Water Based Paints


Transparent Paint is Clear Acrylic Water Based, oil based or even Epoxy paints. These paints can be mixed with our Glow in the dark or UV light reactive powders. But bear in mind that once you mix anything with a transparent liquid, it can no longer be transparent. It is just like mixing milk powder with water.

Clear Acrylic Water and Solvent Based Transparent Paints. We also have Transparent Epoxy for mixing with our glow in the dark or UV pigments.But once mixed, it is no longer transparent.

Application method can be by brush (preferred) or by spray painting.

Clear Binders on sale here are:

  1. Clear Oil Based Acrylic (1 litre)
  2. Clear Water Based Acrylic (1 litre)
  3. Clear Epoxy Resin (1 litre) and Hardener (0.5 litre)

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Paint Base

Water Based, Oil Based, Epoxy Resin

Paint Type

Acrylic, Epoxy Resin and Hardener (2 part)


Pete's Luminous Creations

Glow in the Dark Product Manufacturer


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